De La Peza & Matuk Law Firm, located at Puebla 112, Col. Roma, CP 06700, Mexico, DF, Mexico (hereinafter, "DPMA"), recognizes the importance of a legitimate treatment, controlled and informed of your personal data and we dispose this Privacy Notice in order for you to be informed of their practices to obtain, use, store, and, in general, treat your personal information in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter, the "Act").
Personal data that could be treated
Some of the personal information you provide to us voluntarily, for example, sending your resume, sending an email so we can contact you, signing up to receive information of interest or our newsletter, as well as those you provide us with for the means to establish a legal relationship, for example, when you decide to hire our legal services or lend us any type of service, may include:
- Identification data such as: name, home address, date of birth, CURP, phone number, landline or mobile, fax, email.
- Academic data: such as educational background, title, professional license number, specialty certificates.
- Labor data: such as title, address, email, phone number, and fax or mobile.
- Billing information such as: entity used for invoicing, address, RFC (tax ID).
- Financial data, such as: bank account information and method of payment.
Aims and / or uses of personal data
The personal information you provide voluntarily, when sending your resume, sending an email so we can contact you, signing up to receive information of interest or our newsletter; will be used to contact you if your profile is of interest to the firm, contact you to follow up on your request, and send you information of interest or our newsletter.
The personal information obtained by reason of a legal relationship, the treatment necessary to meet obligations arising from that relationship, will be used only to provide you with the requested legal services, bringing you communications regarding the subject matter, carry out the billing, hiring the services or products offered, bringing you the payments for these services or products, and formalize, in contracts or other documents, the relationship generated with you.
Your personal data may be used for purposes other than those mentioned above or included in the Notices of Privacy, which are available to you, every time such purposes are consistent with those described and may be considered similar. Transfers of personal data.
DPMA will not sell, assign or transfer your personal information to outside parties without your consent. However, DPMA may transfer your personal data when such transfer is provided in the Act.
Security Measures
DPMA has adopted and maintains security measures, administrative, technical and physical, to protect personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or use, or unauthorized access.
However, it is clear that none of data communication over the Internet is completely secure, so DPMA cannot guarantee that your personal information will be free of any damage, loss, alteration, destruction or use, or unauthorized access.
Rights entitled to the holder of personal data
As a holder of personal data, you can exercise before the Head of Personal Data Protection, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition rights ("ARCO"). Likewise, you may revoke at any time, the granted consent and needful for the treatment of your personal data, as well as restrict the use or disclosure of such information. The previous, by sending your request under the terms established by the Act, to the following email: privacidad@dpma.com.mx or Puebla 112 Col. Roma, CP 06700, Mexico, DF, Mexico.
As a reference, the ARCO rights are briefly described:
- Access – to be informed which of your personal data is contained in the DPMA databases, why is such personal data used, the origin and communications that have been made with such data and, in general, the conditions and generalities of the treatment.
The access obligation shall be deemed satisfied if:
i) ... data is available to the holder of personal data or,
ii) by issuing simple copies, magnetic, optical, audio, video, holographic, electronic documents or other media or technology deemed appropriately.
- Correction - To correct or update your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete. You will be required to inform the DPMA changes to be made to your personal data, such changes are only for your knowledge.
- Cancellation - That your personal data is written off, wholly or partially, from DPMA databases for having fulfilled the purpose for which they were collected.
- Opposition - Oppose legitimately in the treatment of your personal data.
Changes to the Notice of Privacy
In case of total or substantial changes to this Notice of Privacy or to the one that will be provided to you, an updated version will be available at our website www.dpma.com.mx.
If you have questions or comments regarding the Notice of Privacy, please contact the Head of Personal Data Protection, through the following email address: privacidad@dpma.com.mx or Puebla 112 Col. Roma, CP 06700, Mexico, DF, Mexico.
In terms of the Act and its Regulations, we inform you that, due to the refusal to respond to the requests of ARCO rights or disagreement with such rights, you may file before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection, the corresponding application Rights Protection under the terms and conditions determined by the Act and its Regulations.
Last updated: October, 2012.